Luxury edition printed in Spain. 24 × 30 cm, 364 pages. 448 images.
Independent editions in Spanish or English.
This book is long overdue because it comes in the twilight of his life, but also because it opens its pages to the world at the very moment when the artistic values of his youth are fighting for their life beneath the feverish —though aseptic— froth of contemporary art. And yet, thanks to the eternal irony of life, this lateness now has the virtue of making these multiple and intricate worlds glow with greater intensity and pertinence.
Este libro es tardío porque llega durante el crepúsculo de su vida, porque revela sus hojas al mundo en un momento en el cual los valores artísticos de su juventud agonizan bajo la verborosa —pero aséptica— espuma del arte contemporáneo. Sin embargo, gracias a la eterna ironía de la vida, esta tardanza tiene ahora la bondad de hacer fulgurar con mayor intensidad y pertinencia los múltiples e intrincados mundos de su obra.
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